Thursday, August 9, 2012

Driving and piercing

Today I had my first driving lesson
it was so much fun !! omg !!
next one is next weeks tuesday
the teaches said I was awesome (//´ω`//)

and well, after that I went to city centre to buy ink into my printer
I got what I needed and this is what I decided to print today:

I have feeling my ink will end soon again (laughs)
well, of course when I was at the city, I decided to take a little peek in "underground" shop and go say hi to Jani
they had just got lots of new stuff and I asked for my hair colours, they only had neon blue at the moment, I need to wait for flamingo pink and  turquoise (´Д` )
pffhhh any way~ next thing ... "umm... can you pierce my ear?"

the tragus one ^^
it's kinda annoying at the first (laughs) but I'm sure I'll get used to it~

something else?
mmm.... I guess not? x_x

                                                                                 Love: Pime


  1. you promised me to give the recipe for blood pancakes when you get new ink for your printer ^__^"
    Just in case you forgot :"D

  2. ohh !! true !! omg !! I need to translate it first !! xDD I'm such an lazyass (´Д` )

  3. good,because I need to study to driving lessons (´Д` ) and japanese!! I feel like I'm too tired to do anything... -_-
