Saturday, December 17, 2011

finally decided to make post of my b-day

the pics are from the bar because I was / I am too lazy to take pictures of anything else

so my b-day was on 5.12.(laughs)
and I turned 18 ^^
 sooo~~ at the morning the first thing I did was puting my music play on the living room
I was lucky to enjoy my morning alone at home *---*
I hope my neighbours liked my music >xDD

and then I dyed my hair violet for the last time now~~
and when I was dyeing my hair my father came to eat at home and he gave me roses ^^

later we finished my cake and people came to have some coffee and cake~~
for presents I got: jewelery, bed sheets and candy
I didn't ask for much because I know I'm hard person to get presents to xDD
but from all the presents, I liked the most the one I got from Germany, from Vika *--*
baby I love you !!
I will post pictures of it when I don't feel this god damn lazy x_x

so then we continued our way to a bar~~

first we went to "Fever"
the bartender sang to me (laughs) but he was epic man !!!
and Wellu bought me this drink~~

I have no idea what it was, but it was fucking good *--*
was it mango or ??
I think so xDD

 then I also got apple cider with it ^^

sooo~~ later I went to buy something with Påke~~

 and we got smirnoff ice *--*
om nom nom~~ I like it

and then more xDD
Wellu and I went to get something sweet, not too much alcohol tasting, blueberrish, vanilia drink and the bartender made awesome tasting drinks for us *--*

 he was like:
"ohh... this tastes good~~ I wonder how I made this... this could be added to the constant list"
he was so epic xDD

and here is my company~~
from left to right: Kati, Wellu, Ville next pic: Påke, Esa and Mika

after that we decided to go to another place
there the first think I got was black currant beer

 usually I don't like the taste of beer, but this was fucking good !! ^^
 oihh~~ and there was few good looking asian guys~~
but they were too old for me (laughs)
and people were singing Karaoke fucking loud x_x

and the last thing I got was strawberry cider~~

good as always~~ *--*

we tried to get to sing karaoke but our time never came and so we left when others started to get tired already
to tell the truth~~ I was still full of energy and I wasn't even drunk !!! (laughs)
and I'm fucking happy that I wasn't drunk !! ^^
I like to remember everyhting and feel good
I have never really even been drunk
and I kinda home I will never be drunk

before we left home, we went to grill to get food
I got tuna fish french fries and the were good~~

when I got home I ate the food and opened my laptop xDD

but I had fucking fun day and night !!!
it was the best birthday ever ^^
thank you everyone !!!

                                                                             Love: Pime


  1. I'm glad you had such a nice b-day party :)

    I'm the best daughter you could have, right >:D ???
    I knew you'd like this ring xD

  2. yes !! you're the best daughter in the world !!
