Friday, June 15, 2012

#447 Helsinki calls tomorrow!

So yes!, SCREW gig tomorrow
I need to pack my stuff todayyyyyyy
and I don't even know what to wear tomorrow jhnflgsfgs FUUUUU

I'm panicking !! like always in moment like this !!
I always think that the worst will happen
I sit or run in circles like "what if this and what if that..."

Hopefully I will meet all the awesome people I want to meet (*´3`)ノ~♥
meet all the tumblr users !! (laughs)

My day started well, laptop open → music on → sit here → mom brings breakfast and coffee

christmas coffee mug (laughs)

and why am I listening to -OZ- !? T_T
I miss them !!
come back to Finland babiessss~

Cry for you... Colors for you...
♪(´ε` )

                                                                                  Love: Pime

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