Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Morning people !!
Did you watch Venus pass the sun?
Well I did !! And I'm fucking happy I saw it!!

I just love stuff like that, okay? okayyyy~
We won't see it again in next 100 years
it was small but still awesome lhxfghlxghdkhsl
I'm so hyper even if I haven't slept at all again (laughs)
it was worth it

And I dyed my hair
it's violet & pink now

I guess I don't have anything else to say...
But that these world end dreams I'm having almost every night, are bothering me >_<
It's not nice to watch the sun explode and say "I love you all" to your family members just in time before you burn
And it sounds horrible also
but it looks kinda cool but also scary at the same time
It's almost the same every night jhcfgjhxsgdgkhskghk
I don't get this

                                                                                          Love: Pime

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