Friday, May 4, 2012

I woke up to a nightmare

I really hoped this was a bad dream which I can wake from,
but it seems it's not

Yesterday evening, my father was in car accident with a train
The sun shined to his eyes so he didn't see the train coming
and he has bad hearing so he didn't hear it either

He's in hospital and alive but he has broken ribs and nose, hip fractures and I'm not sure what else

My mother just left to the hospital again,
but I can't go there... I just can't

I don't know what to do

I still don't believe this

I don't understand



I don't feel like talking to any of my family members and I must look horrible to their eyes,
I hope they don't think I don't care or something
I do care! a lot!
I just don't know what to do
or how to act...
My eyes are swollen and I drop everything, bump into walls
I’m still in fucking shock…

I still hope I'll wake up soon and this was just a horrible nightmare

And I really, really, really hope my father will get well and survive

                                                                   Love: Pime

1 comment:

  1. luinki täst iltalehen sivuilta muistaakseni, enkä ala voivoittelemaan muuten ku että voimia paljon! :--(
