Thursday, March 15, 2012

plaapa plaapa plaa plaa

I went to shower and then I saw that we had this !!!

I went all djsbjkfgsbjfvbgslfgs
seriously I love this shit !!!
my hair smells like heaven now !!
I was like: //sniff sniff// I’m in heaven !!!
seriously… this means so much to me, it has so  many memories and meaning to me
one hair shampoo can change my whole day
//le keeps sniffing my hair//

I also got this thick curtain
it will block the midnight sun light to get to my room
so I can sleep in darkness even in summer (laughs)

I don't remember if I have other stuff to tell about...
Can't remember (laughs)

And my next years spring looks pink
Vika is coming to Finland...
(I fucking hope it will happen because I fucking love this girls from the bottom of my human heart)

...and she said he wants to see cute me even if she has to dress me in pink...
I have to start to run... so I'll be able to run away from her (laughs)

                                                          Love: Pime


  1. nyahahaha I'll definitely come to Finland >:D
    Hope you're a good runner since I'm going to get my driver's license in 2 months :P

    Pink Pime would look awesome I believe :'3 ~
    Nyahaha this will be fun ^.^

    1. yeey~~!!
      I'll train myself and then I'll be as fast as a cheetah >xDDD

      Pink Pim Pim is no fun ಠ_ಠ

  2. hey ~ you just got tagged :D
