Friday, November 25, 2011


today I woke up into empty house
my parents were at my family house helping my big uncle
but it was nice ^^
I love being home alone
I can enjoy my breakfast and listen to music at livingroom

and I got Vika's package !!!
but I won't open it yet xDD
it's my b-day present so I need to wait to my b-day~~

and Vika said I should finish my Genki drawing
but look at it !!!
it's horrible -_-

and I like that pic so I want to draw it
what ever you say~~

I also have to bake 2 cakes today~~
we'll have early christmas party on saturday

                                                Love: Pime


  1. I'm still kinda flashed, that it only took 2 or maybe 3 days until the package reached your home Oo ~
    It always took like 6 days xD

    your drawing doesn't look as bad as you told :O !!!

  2. yeah... it came kinda fast...

    but it's bad... -_-

  3. it's not bad ! You're not even finished ! I always hate my drawings at the start ~ but when they're almost finished the look normal ^^ ~
    and that's the same with every drawing I guess :/
