Monday, July 2, 2012


I'm going to Turku this week (´ω`)
which is good, because I haven't been in the best mood for like, a week now?
I need some vacation from myself (laughs)
and I'll be there for one week~

and today I'm going shopping to city centre
I hope I'll finally find that ring to my nipple piercing!
but of course, like always, it's raining!
fucking shit! it's always raining when I'm going to city centre!
WHY~~~~~~!? щ(ಥДಥщ)

and tomorrow is time to dye my hair again
then I'll leave on 4th day (´ω`)
we'll see if I'll come  online while I'm there
few persons got mad at me because I won't be rp'ing with them (laughs)
welllllll sorryyyy!

anyway, I'll go to eat something now
see you! (。・ω・。)ノ

                                                                                Love: Pime

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