Friday, October 28, 2011

20 piercings and stuff

so some other stuff first:

on tuesday I was at another community center
and I saw this on the wall:

I was like:  "OMDGS !!! someone in here listens to Vivid"
some how I find it funny.... but anyway...

then at "my" community center there was this on the paper:

nooooo xDDD

and then,
I just came from city centre and I got 4 microdermals

I have to keep them sealed for 2-3 days
the tape should push them down so they won't come out while they heal
but they look nice when I saw them !!!
I like a lot (laughs)
getting them didn't even hurt and I didn't bleed o_o
Jani was like:
"you have hight pain tolerance o_o"
well... I don't know.... it seems like it (laughs)

nothing much again....

                                                      Love: Pime


  1. new piercings *¬*
    you're fuckin crazy :'D
    but that's why I like you so ^^~
    can't wait to get my 2 surface piercings (but I need to wait fucking long >.< )

  2. yesss !!!
    hell yeah I'm crazy >xDD
    awwhh... you'll get them ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
